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Why I Love My Job...

Troy Henson

In honor of Valentine’s Day coming up, I thought I would share what I LOVE about my work.

1. The thrill of possibility.

Few people seek out a business coach when they’re riding a great wave of success. It’s typically when chasing success feels like a never ending hamster wheel and they are perpetually running in place. My first love is when we ignite a new vision and the possibility to actually achieving dreams becomes real once again.

2. The satisfaction of simplifying

Hands down the most frequent response I have heard to a great coaching meeting, “Troy, you just make it sooo simple.” What can I say, simple is easier!

3. The energy of success

Breakthrough moments that lead to inspired action that lead to BIG WINS!! I love the whole process. It’s thrilling. It’s energetic. It’s addicting.

So maybe I’m addicted. I’m okay with that!

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